ILPS-US Communique on the 2nd National Assembly

Fighting for our Rights, Lives, and Planet!

The 2nd National Assembly of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS)  was a success! From October 21-23, 270 attendees from 122 organizations participated in a protest march, four plenaries, 8 workshops; passed 12 resolutions, new country chapter by-laws, and an assembly declaration; approved 3 new member organizations; and elected a new Steering Committee. For those who participated, there’s still time to share your thoughts and assessments so we can continue to improve our work!

We opened the first two days with international greetings from ILPS formations  around the globe and a keynote speaker from Kilusang Mayo Uno, Kara Taggaoa. With fierce militancy we took to the streets of Seattle, showing the strength of our forces in exposing the exploitative and oppressive business activities of multinational corporations in the Seattle area such as Boeing, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Starbucks, calling out in a united voice their superprofits at the expense of their struggling workers and their complicity in arming the US war machine.

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Declaration of the ILPS-US 2nd National Assembly


Fight for Justice Beyond the Fascist, White Supremacist State!