Declaration of the ILPS-US 2nd National Assembly

Fight for our Rights, Lives and Planet!  Unite Against the Dying, Desperate US Empire!

October 23, 2022 - Seattle, Washington

The US is an imperialist power in decline.  In its dying years, and in its desperation to remain the world’s superpower and halt the rise of its competitors, it lashes out in provocative wars of aggression around the world and widespread attacks against marginalized peoples and those resisting its power at home.  These desperate acts of destruction have devastating and lasting effects on the people and ecological balance of the world.

Working and daily living conditions are becoming more destitute as energy, food and other basic prices rise, and more and more workers, including in the US and internationally, are being pushed out of secure employment and many are forced into more precarious forms of work through contractualization, easily manipulated “flexible” work hours and worked deemed “criminal” by the state when no options are left.  The corporate-driven climate and environmental crises lead to widespread pandemics like Covid-19, famine, devastating floods, power outages, land grabbing, and mass displacement.  The renewed ambition for imperialist wars is aggressively propagated from the highest levels of the state bureaucracy, spread through news media, popular entertainment and the silencing of front-line resisters, truth tellers, and movements for justice.  And in the midst of a ruling-class power struggle between the backers of the Biden and former Trump regimes, false promises of recovery and ultranationalist fervor are used to mask the intentions of either side as the 2024 Presidential election looms closer.  The entire US ruling system is exposed for its inherent inability to serve people’s needs as an economic depression looms and previously held legal democratic rights are stripped.

But people are rising up and building new avenues of collective power.  Workers in all sectors are initiating a new militant strike movement across the United States and around the world and condemning neoliberal schemes of privatization and deregulation.  Landless and displaced people are uniting to advance national liberation movements and the struggle against colonialism and neo-colonialism.  Women and people of oppressed genders and sexualities are resisting the physical and legal attacks on bodily autonomy being encouraged by fascist government policies.  Socially marginalized communities and all people facing exploitation are finding unity against state crackdowns, fascist vigilantes, surveillance and censorship in defense of courageous resistance.

We are mass organizations in the belly of the beast.  It is our duty and intent to uplift, defend and advance the struggles of all peoples being assaulted and suffocated within the imperialist core while extending our utmost solidarity to those being brutalized around the world by the attacks of the so-called “United States,” the number one enemy of the oppressed and exploited people of the world.

In the wake of this repression and this resistance, the US Country Chapter of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle marks its 10-year anniversary by calling on its members to unite with all peoples to:

Fight for Rights to economic, political, social, cultural and environmental justice against repressive state terror, unjust laws and court proceedings, dismantling of guaranteed livelihood and terror-tagging of activists!

Fight for our Lives and a society where safety and health is tied with community empowerment and national self-determination against the rise in extrajudicial state killings, sexist and white supremacist-inspired mass shootings and the privatization of food and health systems!

Fight for our Planet and a liveable future for humanity with the principles of ecological balance and international solidarity against corporate plunder and negligence, mass disinformation and the denial of science and the weaponization of the climate crisis as a “national security” issue and justification for corporate capture of green industries!

Unite against exploitation, imperialist plunder and all wars of aggression!  Increase our fighting capacity as a country chapter and launch a national campaign against state repression!  Defend freedom fighters, mass organizations and movements for peace and justice being targeted relentlessly by state forces through so-called “counter-terrorism” programs.  Stand with organized and unorganized communities alike as they experience brutalization in the workplace, in racially policed neighborhoods, in prisons and at the militarized borders.  Raise high the banner of the League and uphold the justness of all fights for national and social liberation!


Celebrating the People's Victories Against Constitutional Slavery


ILPS-US Communique on the 2nd National Assembly