On Iran's Response to Israeli Attacks

On April 13th, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp, the military of the Republic of Iran, launched a series of drone and cruise missiles towards targets of the Zionist government in the interior of occupied Palestine in response to Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria. This Israeli attack was a complete violation of International Humanitarian Law and international norms of diplomacy, and demonstrates the bloodthirsty killing frenzy and expansionist aggression that has underlined the Zionist regime from the start. Iran’s counter attack is not only acceptable within Articles 7 and 51 of the United Nations Charter concerning the legitimate defense of states, but comes after months of Iran warning Israel, the US and the UN that unprovoked attacks against its sovereignty and people would trigger a response.

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The State of US Imperialism in 2024: More Desperate, Rapidly Dying

In early March, President Biden gave his annual State of the Union (SOTU) address, and just as we stated in 2023, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle US Country Chapter decries Biden’s SOTU as, “a hollow statement far removed from the everyday experiences of the common working person.” Biden tried to compare this moment in US history saying, “This is no ordinary moment. Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today.” But the reality is that the crisis we see today is a result of the very ordinary cycles of crises of US imperialism – just far more desperate and rapidly dying. In fact, the US regime is wracked by economic crisis, intense ruling class rivalries and a people rising up against open support for genocide abroad and utter state neglect of the masses at home.

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