2024 ILPS People’s Platform

Faced with climate catastrophe, mass impoverishment and untenable working conditions, devastating wars of aggression, and countless other crises caused by the imperialist system, the Democrats and Republicans inherently cannot offer any true solutions to the people’s issues in their bid for the US Presidency. They represent the elite and will govern accordingly, regardless of how pro-people their own platforms may seem. History has shown that, at best, progressive promises of top US leaders have never led to the fundamental change that’s needed. At worst they have intended to placate the masses and prevent the people from fighting to dismantle the system itself in order to achieve the fundamental change that is needed. Real and lasting change is only possible through fully uprooting the system, but history has shown that any gains that have been achieved, even if temporary, were achieved principally due to the collective struggle of the masses, and the masses deserve more. 

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle US is determined to offer a true alternative to the vision of these ruling-class parties: the People’s Platform. This Platform represents the people’s aspirations for a better world. To achieve these aspirations, we know we cannot simply ask for them; we must fight to win a better future. Through the People’s Platform, we unite with the people rising up in struggle and building a mass movement to address the following issues:

  1. Economy: Address poverty, inequality, austerity, inflation, joblessness and labor rights violations by ending corporate control of the economy and orienting production toward people's needs and worker empowerment.

  2. Civil and Political Rights: Organize and resist against discrimination, repression, state violence and racist police terror. Assert peoples’ collective rights and build a truly democratic system that serves and is led by the people rather than the 1%. 

  3. Health: Create healthy communities by ensuring access to healthy food, water, air, and to healthcare that is free, culturally sensitive, and accessible to all, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race, disability, and migration status.

  4. Safety: Create safe communities by ensuring people's needs are met to address the roots of violence. End the war on working people carried out through the racist police, prison, and court system.

  5. Housing: Ensure decent and affordable housing for all and eliminate the real estate monopoly of the big banks. Fight against gentrification, displacement, and the criminalization of homelessness.

  6. Education: Eliminate student debt and build an education system that is free, multilingual, and oriented toward solving society’s problems, rather than the profit-driven needs of corporations and the war industry.

  7. Migration: Resist the attacks on migrants and defend the right to migrate while fighting against the root causes of forced migration. Demilitarize the borders, decriminalize migration, end migrant detention, ensure amnesty for all, and guarantee access to livelihood and all basic needs and services for migrants.

  8. Environment: End the pollution, violent resource extraction and plunder by transnational corporations and the US military. Build resilient, green, democratically managed and community-driven infrastructure. 

  9. National Liberation and Peoples’ Sovereignty: End US domination over the economic, political, cultural, and military systems of oppressed peoples and nations, and indigenous peoples, in the form of occupation, sanctions, intervention, repression, and plunder of the land, promoting instead international solidarity and cooperation for mutual benefit.

  10. Peace and Justice: End the genocidal US imperialist war machine, redistributing the bloated US military budget towards people’s needs. Uplift peoples’ struggles for their rights, livelihood, and self-determination to promote peace built upon a foundation of justice.

On August 19th 2024, ILPS-US joined the Coalition to March on DNC in Chicago and raised our call to

Fight for a People’s Platform! We joined tens of thousands of protestors who rejected the

False Imperialist Solutions of the Democrats & Republicans!