National Days of Action Demand an End to Wars At Home And Abroad

ILPS Resist April 14CThe US Chapter of the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS-US) joins the millions across the US who are taking the streets on April 14 and 15 to demand an end to US-led wars of aggression, militarization, and neofascism both abroad and here at home. The military and prison industrial complexes now dominate the US economy, raking in trillions for the war profiteers, while at the same time taking tens of millions of lives, exploiting workers in the production line, destroying the environment, contributing to climate disasters, taking trillions in US tax dollars that can be spent on education, healthcare, housing, job creation, and other social development needs. But as the US war machine and military hegemony intensifies, so to does people’s resistance around the globe. ILPS-US vows to escalate our resistance with our sisters and brothers around the globe who are waging inspiring struggle not only against US-led war, but for national and social liberation from US imperialism, and seeking a better alternative that puts people's needs over profit. For more information about the ILPS, visit


Solidarity with Palestinian Refugee Workers in Lebanon


ILPS-US Stands with Maru and all those Struggling Against Trump’s Fascism against Immigrants