ILPS-US Stands with Maru and all those Struggling Against Trump’s Fascism against Immigrants

29197279_1745462092181330_8672180810536714240_oThe US chapter of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle stands in solidarity with Maru Mora Villalpando and the Northwest Detention Center Resistance (NWDCR) in their fight against the unjust, racist and abusive policies of the United States Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) and the Trump regime’s blatant attacks on immigrant and undocumented people in the United States, their organizers and advocates, and sanctuary cities and states as well.Maru is a nationally-recognized undocumented Mexican activist leader working with detainees at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington. She has led a vibrant movement defending the rights of immigrants and undocumented people in the United States for nearly twenty years, denouncing the rampant mistreatment of people detained in the NWDC.The Trump regime has made no secret of its open contempt and racist views towards non-white and non-European people, both domestically and around the world. Under blatantly false and xenophobic pretenses, the Trump regime has made the targeting of immigrant working class communities, especially those of Latin American, Caribbean and African backgrounds, a top priority of the U.S. ruling class. Acting on executive orders signed by Donald Trump in 2017, ICE actively terrorizes immigrant communities across the U.S., arresting and deporting hundreds of thousands of people in a widespread campaign of state repression.On December 20th , 2017, Maru received notice that she was being targeted by immigration authorities for unlawful residence, and is currently facing the threat of deportation from the United States. It has become known that local state agencies, such as the Washington State Department of Licensing, colluded with ICE by providing the personal information of Maru and other undocumented immigrants “20 to 30” times per month; information that was released without a warrant or the consent of the affected persons.Maru’s situation is illustrative of a growing trend within the United States in which numerous immigrant activists are facing heightened state repression under the Trump regime in retaliation for their actions, ranging from intimidation and threats to raids, arrests and deportations. The threat of deportation Maru is facing is nothing more than an act of overt political repression to silence the Trump regime’s greatest opposition voices, in addition to fulfilling its existing racist and reactionary objectives targeting nationally oppressed communities in the United States. It also shows the willingness of state agencies and elected officials to collaborate with ICE in facilitating detentions of immigrants and undocumented people.Immigrant workers compose a large and growing section of the working class in the US. US corporations and businesses reap super-profits from immigrant and migrant labor by taking advantage of their need to escape joblessness and hunger in their impoverished home countries and forcing upon them lower or slave wages and highly exploitative working conditions. Yet as the capitalist crisis intensifies in the US, the US ruling class relentlessly places the blame on immigrant workers, foments fear and hatred, and unleashes fascist attacks on them, driving them further into the shadows.ILPS-US loudly condemns the repressive actions of the United States and its Immigration Customs and Enforcement agency against Maru Mora Villalpando, and demands the immediate rescinding of the deportation order targeting her. The League firmly stands in unwavering solidarity with immigrant rights advocates and all undocumented people in the United States struggling against the injustices of the Trump regime. We call on all ILPS member organizations and all progressive peoples worldwide to support Maru and the efforts of the Northwest Detention Center Resistance and for the full rights ofimmigrant and undocumented people in the United States.Long live international solidarity! Please sign the petition campaign below against the unjust targeting of Maru and the NWDCResistance and leave a note that “ILPS-US stands in solidarity with Maru and NWDCR!”Online Petition Campaign - Justice for Maru and NWDCResistanceMaru Mora Villalpando Deportation Defense Fund29249088_1745461618848044_7015937921077215232_o


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