On Iran's Response to Israeli Attacks

On April 13th, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp, the military of the Republic of Iran, launched a series of drone and cruise missiles towards targets of the Zionist government in the interior of occupied Palestine in response to Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria.  This Israeli attack was a complete violation of International Humanitarian Law and international norms of diplomacy, and demonstrates the bloodthirsty killing frenzy and expansionist aggression that has underlined the Zionist regime from the start.  Iran’s counter attack is not only acceptable within Articles 7 and 51 of the United Nations Charter concerning the legitimate defense of states, but comes after months of Iran warning Israel, the US and the UN that unprovoked attacks against its sovereignty and people would trigger a response.

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle - US Chapter calls on all of its members to prepare for further mass demonstrations in all possible regions to prevent US war on Iran, a stronger possibility now that Israel has expanded its genocidal assault on Gaza into a wider war in West Asia against Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.  The US bears the responsibility for this escalation by keeping Israel armed to the teeth, despite Biden’s hollow words that he has tried to “pressure” the fascist Netanyahu administration to lessen its attacks on civilians and against wanting a wider war in the region.

We know that both the Republicans and Democrats are duking it out in an intense election cycle and that any of them might make a rash military decision to win votes. We know that weapons companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin are thirsty for profits and will pressure the US government to keep the conflict going. We know that the Palestinian resistance continues to wage a historical fight to defend their people and their land with the promise to end the occupation for good, and Israel is capable of any atrocity to maintain its parasitic existence.

The US is still a dying and desperate empire. As it weakens, the people’s hope for dignity and liberation gets brighter, including right here in the belly of the beast. But we must stay alert and be ready to hit the streets for peace and to defend our right to struggle, from the US to Palestine to Iran. Fighting for liberation, defending sovereignty, and resisting occupation and oppression is a just cause, and our united voice mobilized in united action is our most powerful tool in waging it!


Fight State Repression and Defend Peoples’ Struggle!