US and UK: Hands Off Yemen!

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle US Country Chapter vehemently condemns the blatant attack on the lives and sovereignty of the Yemeni people on their territory through airstrikes by the US and UK governments.  We uphold the right of the Yemeni people, not only to defend their own land, but their right to assist the Palestinian people, who are defending their land as well.

In truth, the attacks against Yemen did not begin with these recent strikes, but began days ago when the US fired upon Yemeni boats in the Red Sea.  The US has claimed that Yemeni fighters have taken cargo ships hostage along the Bab al-Mandab Strait (the southern entrance to the Red Sea en route to the Suez Canal) and caused harm to people and property, leading to the US’s need to “defend prosperity and commerce”.  The Yemeni government justly exposes this narrative as false, making it clear instead that Yemen’s actions have been to only target ships headed to the occupation state of Israel in an attempt to economically damage the Zionist military machine as it enacts a genocide on the people of Gaza as more powerful states stand by and watch.  Yemen’s actions have caused no harm to people or property, while the US-led strikes have killed at least 15 confirmed people so far and damaged infrastructure in Yemen, all to protect the profits of multinational corporations.

Yemen is a country whose people have suffered over 150,000 deaths from US, Saudi and United Arab Emirates airstrikes and nearly 227,000 deaths from malnutrition and lack of medical equipment since 2014.  The fact that Yemen has held strong and survived a near-genocide itself speaks to the heroism of its people in risking even more repression by the US and its allies by attempting to starve the Zionist military machine by any mean necessary.

The Biden administration has made it clear that it is willing to drag West Asia and the whole world closer to a wider war in an attempt to protect the inexcusable genocidal actions of the state of Israel.  We in the US must condemn and reject this move in the highest regard.  When a people is experiencing an act of genocide, it is the duty of the people of the world to rally together and use whatever means necessary to prevent it.  The Palestinian people continue to fight for their lives against Zionist terror, and the Yemeni people are fighting for their lives to defend both themselves and Palestine. In the belly of the beast, we must continue to expose and oppose one of the most brutal military alliances that the world has ever seen - the US-Zionist war machine.

Let us unite to defend peoples’ struggle from Palestine to Yemen to all the lands of West Asia and all around the world wherever people are fighting for a better future!

We call on ILPS members to take to the streets and unite with all progressive forces  to call for an immediate halt to the US aggression against Yemen and for a ceasefire and end of the occupation in Palestine.


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