Resist NATO Statements

Reality Check! NATO and Trump

After the Republican National Convention, what would a Trump presidency mean for NATO?

The Republican National Convention (RNC) has wrapped up in Milwaukee, WI. Over the course of 4 days, the most fascist elements of the US ruling system descended upon the city to endorse Donald Trump for another presidential term.

The RNC came merely days after the 75th Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), where the most provocative military alliance in the world gathered in Washington, DC to set the stage for new wars of aggression around the world.

What happened at the RNC?

  • US ultranationalism was on full display, while not a single solution was offered to solve the economic crisis plaguing working class people across the country

  • Anti-women, anti-LGBTQ and other anti-people comments were spewed by speakers to spread divisions and distract from the deep problems stemming from past Republican policies

  • Xenophobic and anti-migrant rhetoric was used to call for more militarization at the US-Mexico border

What does this have to do with NATO?

NATO is the largest US-led military alliance in the world, and the US President’s actions carry much weight for the alliance’s future. During his presidency, Trump shocked many in the US political and military establishment by seeming to criticize NATO members for not “paying their fair share” and even threatening to pull the US out of the alliance. Some took Trump at his word and worried, or hoped, that he would roll back NATO’s power.

But was Trump a peace president? Is Tump truly anti-NATO? We need a reality check!

Under Trump, NATO’s strategy became more provocative towards China after Obama began the trend. Trump also oversaw massive military aid to Ukraine’s government to use in its civil war against separatists in the East long before Russia’s invasion. Trump pushed for NATO troops to expand their presence in the occupation of Afghanistan.

REALITY CHECK! Trump is as pro-NATO as any Republican or Democrat! His words are only meant to win over economically suffering voters with protectionist slogans. Trump’s words succeeded: they scared the Democrats into strengthening NATO even further. Under Biden, 23 out of 32 NATO members are now spending at least 2% of their GDP on military budgets. New stipulations to NATO’s charter were also implemented to make it harder for any one country to withdraw from the alliance. This means that if Trump wins the 2024 Presidential election, he will inherit an alliance much more ready to carry out US imperialism’s violent strategy.

The genuine pathway to peace is not one faction of the ruling class over another - NATO serves both factions. We must unite and fight for our rights, lives and planet! The US empire is in its dying and desperate throws, and the 2024 NATO Summit was a summit for all-out war to prolong its inevitable collapse.

Let us organize for a genuine peoples’ platform in which NATO and imperialism as a whole no longer dictate our future!

We marched against NATO!

We marched against the RNC!

Join us to march against the Democrat National Convention (DNC)! See you in Chicago August 19th and 22nd! Visit

Increased NATO Burden Sharing Means Increasingly Unsafe World In Support of US Military Aggressions

Stoltenberg claimed “The biggest increase in defense spending among European Allies and Canada in decades - up to 18% this year” to match the “burden sharing” with the US. He went on stating that 23 NATO allies will invest at least 2% of their GDP to defense this year and noted increasing NATO allies’ commitment and support for Ukraine.

These comments came against the backdrop of NATO's recently concluded Steadfast Defender 2024 joint exercises in May which it touts as the ‘largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War.’

Resist NATO Coalition calls out these boasts as war mongering in its engendered Ukraine war with Russia. Our Coalition points out that NATO historically was formed to quell people's movements for genuine liberation and its purpose is nothing more than to continue the push for US expansionism hand in hand with its allies.

NATO’s subservience to US leadership is plain to see in the meeting with US leaders including President Biden, and members of Congress, where Stoltenberg spun these developments with NATO and allies as positive, resulting in making the US stronger. In fact, NATO has been stalwart in mobilizing its allies against Russia, a threat to US interests in the region, and has mobilized resources for US weapons companies, and created jobs that prop up the US defense industry. Stoltenberg underlined this stating, “NATO is good for US security, good for the US industry, and good for US jobs.”

Even NATO's designation of China as its biggest strategic threat aligns with the US security strategy to shore up its allies in the Indo-Pacific to isolate and contain the US’ biggest economic and military threat. 

While these imperialists collude on how to divide the world and guzzle trillions of dollars to feed the weapons manufacturers and defense contractors, the suffering of the people where they wage war and of their own people are conveniently not mentioned.  Growing food, housing, and job insecurity are coupled with inflation and austerity measures squeezing the greater majority of people dry and creating an unstable world drawn further into crisis. It represents a bleak future for the youth who are funneled into supporting the war machine with their ingenuity and labor. Additionally, NATO's counter terrorism pillar only serves to quell any mass opposition.

We cannot let these war mongers destroy our lives and take the planet hostage for their hegemony and the profit of their corporate sponsors. We, the people, must rise up and RESIST NATO and the US war machine as it is our right and only option for a brighter future. Join us in Resisting US-NATO Led War and Aggression, and in Defending People’s Struggles for Rights and Liberation!

Resist NATO Coalition decries outgoing Secretary General of NATO - Jens Stoltenberg's boasts during his travels to the US and Canada to prepare for the upcoming NATO Summit scheduled to be held in Washington DC this July.

Women Resist NATO! Debunking NATO’s “Women, Peace and Security” Strategy as Anti-Women and Anti-People

Joint Statement of the International Women’s Alliance and the Resist NATO Coalition

On July 9, 2024, global leaders on Women - such as Geeta Rao Gupta (U.S. Ambassador at Large for Women), Jennifer Klein (Chairwoman of the Gender Policy Council of the United States), and Irene Fellin (Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security) - led the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) round table on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). Speakers from all over the world clamored about the key role NATO plays in ensuring the meaningful participation of women in the military, in "establishing democracy", and in advancing NATO interests around the world. However, the roundtable failed to acknowledge the significant role that Nato and allied militaries - led and funded by the US play in exacerbating instability and violence against women; talking points glossed over the damaging impact that NATO intervention has had on the majority of women around the world - resulting in rape, forced migration, displacement, and climate catastrophe. The WPS framework pushes a backwards narrative with false solutions for women's advancement towards equality and peace.

NATO Gathering in DC:

NATO is a U.S.-led, imperialist war alliance created to maintain political and economic hegemony through military control of the world. Its 32 member countries represent an alignment of the US-led imperialist powers and their militaries. Since its founding in 1949 in Washington DC, NATO has been responsible for destabilizing regions with the sole purpose of supporting parasitic capitalist exploitation and robbing people of their right to self-determination. To celebrate 75 years of militarism, NATO states are gathering in Washington DC from July 9-11 to discuss "bolstering allied defense and deterrence; support for Ukraine; and strengthening NATO's global partnerships". These are important points of unity for imperialists as the U.S. doubles down on its support for the Zionist Israeli settler colonial state in its genocidal aggression against the Palestinian people; a stance which clearly reflects the United States's role as the dominant imperialist power. It also exposes that the US and its allies will do everything within their power to maintain control globally – especially crushing people’s resistance and funding and provoking genocide.

In the last few years, NATO has spread its tentacles beyond its member states' region, which historically includes states in Europe and North America. It is creating strategic partnerships with governments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean to meet its objectives. Even the war in Ukraine amounts to a U.S. proxy war against Russia. In fact, NATO's very first Secretary General stated that a main aim for NATO was to "keep Russia out," a position that lives on in the U.S.-led military alliance's consistent expansion into Eastern Europe, an act of aggression towards Russia.

As host of the summit, the embattled U.S. and its imperialist and reactionary allies are attempting to show strength, despite evidence decrying their confidence in maintaining the global order. Facing rising discontent and challenges to their dominance, imperialists anxiously scramble for new strategies to hold on to a dying political-economic system. It is in this context that the NATO Women, Peace and Security round table was held in Washington D.C. on July 9, 2024.

Women, Peace and Security (WPS):

WPS is a global policy framework that claims that women's participation in military, peace negotiations, and national rebuilding advances global stability. The WPS Agenda was adopted on October 31, 2000 by the UN Security Council and has since been adopted by foreign militaries, the United States government, and military alliances like NATO. While WPS claims to advance the rights and interests of women through their participation in nation building (such as peacekeeping missions, peace negotiations, elections, etc), it serves as a facade for ensuring that U.S. interests are advanced and enforced in countries that assert their independence (as in the case of Niger), are impacted by war or internal conflict (in the case of Haiti), or are fronts for US-led war (as in the case of Ukraine and Afghanistan).

WPS strategies crush true independence in conflict-torn countries, and result in more reliance on the US and their allies for military, economic and political support. Consequently, countries become aid dependent   and fall victim to predatory loan programs facilitated by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The UN currently considers Haiti and Afghanistan sites of "transition missions" (literally transitioning from dictatorship to democracy), but interventions in both countries have failed to ensure fair elections, and have exacerbated unsafe conditions which lead to instability and dictatorships; ultimately worsening the situation of poor and working women overall. In the case of Haiti – failed UN peacekeeping missions have resulted in the recent US-Kenya-UN invasion which has only heightened the crisis facing Haitians today. In Afghanistan, NATO participated in a 20-year long war of aggression that resulted in a US-led puppet government that did not serve the people's needs (and ultimately collapsed), leading to dependence on international aid and relief programs. Everywhere that NATO and the UN intervene, self determination is trampled, economic instability worsens as imperialists tighten their stronghold, and people suffer as a result.

NATO's WPS Forum

Just this week, NATO held a WPS reception, during which Secretary of State Anthony Blinken emphasized a need for women in NATO leadership positions. However, we don't need more women in positions that call the shots on imperialist-led military intervention. Diversity within NATO's forces will not enable it to be a better global leader. We must debunk the idea that military intervention can ever be empowering for women. NATO also claims to "recognize the disproportionate impact that conflict has on women and girls." As a major instigator of military conflict, NATO must also recognize the leading role it plays in oppressing women and girls worldwide. Instead, we are likely to see NATO using the WPS and Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) to justify its interventions around the world, even when increased military presence is a leading cause of sexual violence.

The 2024 NATO Summit's WPS Roundtable reveals how NATO uses women as a pawn to justify and encourage U.S.-NATO military intervention and push back against attempts to expose the real impacts of U.S. militarism on women. To do this, they justify U.S. military presence by claiming that they are advancing women's equality and democracy in countries like Haiti, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the Philippines. Of course, we know this is a complete lie. Wherever the U.S. and its NATO allies have occupied, they have brought with them sexual violence, forced prostitution, femicide, and the destruction of the local economy and infrastructure which has effects on the whole people, especially women. 

During the WPS Roundtable, the Philippines was highlighted as an example of how women can participate in "bringing peace" under the direction of the UN WPS agenda during the 2011 peace negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. What they don't mention is the role the United States played in stoking this conflict, naming the Philippines as its second front in the "War on Terror" in 2001 and further militarizing the puppet goverment to establish control over the country. Despite this repression, Filipino women are fighting for peace by defending their ancestral lands from multinational corporations, building mass organizations to assert their rights, engaging in the labor struggle for their basic rights, and even taking up arms to defend their people's interests.

Women Resist Imperialism!

NATO also promotes women's participation in U.S. and allied militaries as a sign of progress. In a world where the people are overwhelmingly rejecting endless war, leading to reactionary militaries struggling to recruit new soldiers, NATO's push to include more women is nothing more than a means to address their severe recruitment crisis under the guise of advancing women's rights. Widening the recruitment pool to include women, older adults, and more adults with health concerns only seeks to ensure they have enough boots on the ground to win their imperialist wars. Additionally - NATO's WPS round table emphasized the over $7 million in funding for new equipment for women fighters in Ukraine - including boots and bulletproof vests. While this is framed as an example of equity and inclusion in NATO programs and in the Ukrainian armed forces - in reality it is an effort of US-NATO to overtake Russia, limit casualties, and to protect US interests in the region.

NATO’s attempts to hide the horrific violence against women that is rampant both internally and on the battlefield by claiming to utilize a “soft power” strategy emphasized by WPS. However, NATO’s claims to address violence against women by prioritizing diplomatic means rather than warfare fall flat while strong-arming its member countries into meeting or exceeding the target of spending 2% of their GDP on military by 2030. A woman in Palestine who dies due to engineered starvation enforced by blockade is a martyr just the same as a woman struck by a bomb. It is clear that NATO is only seeking to exploit women’s issues to benefit U.S. corporations and uphold imperialism. 

While NATO celebrates the increase of women in leadership within its militaries, violence against lower ranking female soldiers continues to rise, and violence against women in conflict zones devastates communities wherever there is NATO intervention. Military recruitment preys on working class people, even here in the imperial core, where capitalist dominance forces workers, women, and children into working for the war machine just to make ends meet. The U.S. military and NATO remain the same violent institutions regardless of whether there are women in leadership. Working class people in the U.S. are closer to the exploited poor abroad than they are to the ruling elites who rely on military aggression like that orchestrated by NATO to secure cheap labor and resources. In fact, history teaches us that only by recognizing that our plight in the imperial core is intimately connected to the fight for better conditions waged by people fighting for freedom from imperial domination can we make material gains for everyday people caught under the combat boot of the U.S. corporate oligarchs. 

To NATO, women are nothing more than pawns to be used in any form of warfare, from the NATO-backed Ukraine war to cyber and information warfare. By parading NATO’s WPS at the path to women’s liberation, NATO member countries attempt to justify imperialist warfare anywhere that NATO’s military strategy meets resistance. For example, U.S. Ambassador Eric Nelson cites that women's rights can be "divisive" and used to sow anti-U.S. propaganda. This strategy affectively allows the U.S. to use NATO backing to intervene in any country combatting US imperialism by claiming they are seeking women’s liberation. We know that the U.S. will use this justification to counter genuine movements of women and other gender-oppressed people that demand an end to U.S. militarism and expose its devastating effects on women.

The International Women's Alliance and the Resist NATO Coalition reject NATO's vision of a militarized, imperialist future with women at the helm of fighter jets or at the head of the table in the war room. What is a woman's true perspective on peace? Peace does not mean submission or a momentary lack of violence in an unjust world. Peace is achieved by eliminating exploitation against all oppressed peoples. Around the world, women are rising up to fight for our rights, for national sovereignty, for ecological sustainability, and for the rights of all people who are alive now and who are yet to come. 

As the U.S. gears up for further war provocations against China, Russia, Iran and the DPRK and can be sure that they will continue to use women as props to justify their wars of aggression. It is therefore imperative that we prepare for these provocations by uniting all organizations of women and gender-oppressed people into a broad front against U.S. imperialism. We invite all organizations to join the International Women's Alliance (IWA) and the Resist NATO coalition, and the International League of People's Struggles (ILPS) so that together we can say: Women, unite to oppose U.S.-Led military alliances and to build a genuine peace!