Increased NATO Burden Sharing Means Increasingly Unsafe World In Support of US Military Aggressions

Stoltenberg claimed “The biggest increase in defense spending among European Allies and Canada in decades - up to 18% this year” to match the “burden sharing” with the US. He went on stating that 23 NATO allies will invest at least 2% of their GDP to defense this year and noted increasing NATO allies’ commitment and support for Ukraine.

These comments came against the backdrop of NATO's recently concluded Steadfast Defender 2024 joint exercises in May which it touts as the ‘largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War.’

Resist NATO Coalition calls out these boasts as war mongering in its engendered Ukraine war with Russia. Our Coalition points out that NATO historically was formed to quell people's movements for genuine liberation and its purpose is nothing more than to continue the push for US expansionism hand in hand with its allies.

NATO’s subservience to US leadership is plain to see in the meeting with US leaders including President Biden, and members of Congress, where Stoltenberg spun these developments with NATO and allies as positive, resulting in making the US stronger. In fact, NATO has been stalwart in mobilizing its allies against Russia, a threat to US interests in the region, and has mobilized resources for US weapons companies, and created jobs that prop up the US defense industry. Stoltenberg underlined this stating, “NATO is good for US security, good for the US industry, and good for US jobs.”

Even NATO's designation of China as its biggest strategic threat aligns with the US security strategy to shore up its allies in the Indo-Pacific to isolate and contain the US’ biggest economic and military threat. 

While these imperialists collude on how to divide the world and guzzle trillions of dollars to feed the weapons manufacturers and defense contractors, the suffering of the people where they wage war and of their own people are conveniently not mentioned.  Growing food, housing, and job insecurity are coupled with inflation and austerity measures squeezing the greater majority of people dry and creating an unstable world drawn further into crisis. It represents a bleak future for the youth who are funneled into supporting the war machine with their ingenuity and labor. Additionally, NATO's counter terrorism pillar only serves to quell any mass opposition.

We cannot let these war mongers destroy our lives and take the planet hostage for their hegemony and the profit of their corporate sponsors. We, the people, must rise up and RESIST NATO and the US war machine as it is our right and only option for a brighter future. Join us in Resisting US-NATO Led War and Aggression, and in Defending People’s Struggles for Rights and Liberation! Join our Resist NATO Coalition and mobilize for our People's Summit in Washington DC July 6-7th! Register now!

Resist NATO Coalition decries outgoing Secretary General of NATO - Jens Stoltenberg's boasts during his travels to the US and Canada to prepare for the upcoming NATO Summit scheduled to be held in Washington DC this July.