Continue the People’s Fight Regardless of Chauvin’s Verdict

As the nation anticipates the results of the Derek Chauvin trial, ILPS US remains committed to continue the people’s fight for genuine justice and accountability regardless of the verdict. There is no such thing as an “abuse of police power” as the police are inherently a violent and reactionary institution. The struggle for genuine justice, therefore, means to build people power against the white supremacist and imperialist system that relies on the police to subjugate and repress Black and Brown working-class people.

George Floyd’s murder by killer cop Derek Chauvin in 2020 reignited mass protests and uprisings which shook the foundations of this country and echoed throughout the globe, and forced the fascist state powers to reform its ways. Floyd’s killing comes from the U.S.’ long history of state repression and racism. Black slaves were private property and lynchings were the norm. With the current imperialist state, the police protect the interest of the capitalists and their property, and reign down terror with the murders of Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Elijah McClain, Tamir Rice and more still fresh on our minds. The wave of uprisings in their wake rose up in such a large force, it paved the way for the people’s defeat of the fascist Trump regime.

Chauvin’s trial is wrapping up and the pressure of the people’s movement has compelled even Minneapolis Police Chief Arradondo to testify that Chauvin’s knee to neck pinning of Floyd violated the department’s use-of-force policy. Though these may seem to be promising developments, let us not be fooled as the state’s forces are far more capable of knowing when to cut their losses and put the blame on "one bad apple” while preserving the integrity of the rest. Whether Chauvin gets convicted or not the judicial system is incapable of delivering real justice for the people and putting an end to the system’s own brutality. It is all a part of the infrastructure to protect the bourgeois ruling capitalist class and their property at all costs. The uprisings in Minneapolis forced the city to cut millions from the police budget but that didn’t stop officer Kimberly Potter from killing 20 year old Daunte Wright just a few days ago. 

When the wealthy capitalists steal billions by cutting corners, enslaving their workforce with low wages and no healthcare, forcibly displacing masses of people with their gentrification projects, poisoning our earth with their companies’ waste, and committing countless other heinous crimes, what punishment do they get? At best they get a slap on the wrist while most of the time, they’re actually rewarded with tax breaks or laid off with full compensation. They are the biggest threat to the world today yet the police are not gunning them down in the streets. 

State repression — whether it be in the form of police brutality of low income communities of color or outright voter suppression — is a tool of bourgeois democracy to keep the imperialists in power and the people subdued and deceived. As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune, we take inspiration from the workers’ uniting to take over and self-govern for the benefit and protection of the majority. The International League of Peoples’ Struggle US Chapter calls on the people to rise up & demand community control of the police while organizing and linking struggles for the longer term vision of bringing this imperialist fascist system down and building towards a socialist future! In memory of 13 year old Adam Toledo killed by Chicago Police on March 29th and the countless other lives lost - their deaths will not be in vain, as they will serve as reminders that we must continue the fight!

Justice for George Floyd! Justice for All Victims of Police Terror! 

Community Control of the Police Now! 

Build People Power to Bring Down White Supremacy & Imperialism!


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